Dr Paltzer’s career in law began in 1980 when he graduated from the University of Zurich Law School with a bachelor’s degree in law. After graduating, Dr Paltzer took a position at the District Court of Zurich, working there from 1981 until 1983, before moving on to take a role with Lenz & Staehelin, Attorneys-at-Law in Geneva, Switzerland.

In 1987, Dr Paltzer was awarded an LL.M. master’s degree from New York University School of Law, taking a position with the New York-based Attorneys-at-Law, White & Case, soon after. Paltzer received his Juris Doctoris degree in tax law in 1989, after which he returned to Switzerland, taking a position with CMS von Erlach Henrici, Attorneys-at-Law, in 1989. In 2008, Dr Paltzer achieved a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Inheritance Law from the University of Zurich, which saw him join the Swiss Bar Association as a Certified Specialist in SBA Inheritance Law.
Dr Paltzer has worked as an attorney-at-law for more than 30 years, and in 2013 he established his own practice – Paltzer Private Clients –based in Zurich.
In his practice, Dr Paltzer utilises his vast experience and broad expertise to assist his clients with a range of legal matters. Paltzer’s practice centres on coaching in legal matters, offering a reliable and trustworthy second opinion with regard to legal advice from banks, law firms and family offices.
Strategic and tactical negotiation support in legal disputes is also offered by Dr Paltzer, as well as a range of services that relate to estate management, such as the division of estates and executorship; wealth structuring; estate planning, including prenuptial agreements and contracts of inheritance; residence planning; succession planning; art law for collectors; philanthropy; and the structuring, implementation and legal maintenance of trusts and foundations.
Throughout his career, Dr Paltzer has been involved with a number of professional associations, including his time as an LPD Council Member of the International Bar Association, and as Chair of Individual Tax and Private Client Committee of the International Bar Association.
A Member of the Advisory Board for the Swiss Association of Trust Companies, Dr Paltzer has previously been a Steering Committee Member of the International Wealth Advisors Forum, and a Member of the Executive Council for The International Academy of Estate and Trust Law.